- Artists receive 25% – 50% of subscription income and 75% of track sales
- All members of the Jazzi artistic, marketing and technical team are also paid by distribution of subscription income
In the other FAQ sections we’ve laid out our unique income distribution mechanism, with artists at the top of our income tree. The following is a summary of the full distribution of our income, which we will be contractually obligated to follow.
All calculations refer to net-income (price paid less payment processing fees and any value-added / sales tax)
Streaming: Artists 25%-50%*, Curators# up to 20%, Local Area Marketers^ 10%
Track sales: Artists 75%
Jazzi Central Marketing and Artistic teams will also be rewarded by subscription income distribution, splitting on average approx. 25% of net-streaming income.
We estimate that will leave approximately 20-25% of all income available for site upkeep, technical improvements, admin, beer etc.
*Artist payment for streaming is based on an upward sliding scale between 25% and 50%, depending on the number of “favourite artist” nominations – see the Artist FAQ section for more info.
# Curator payment is based on a downward sliding scale up to 500 “favourite artist” nominations – their fee is proportionately redirected to the artist after 200 nominations – see the Curator FAQ section for more info
^ Local Area Marketers are paid on the first 500 “favourite artist” nominations per artist