Copyright © 2021 Wild Mind Music

What are the track download prices?

  • Track download prices are set within price-bands
  • Artists have the final say on what band applies to each track

Each track will be priced within default “price bands”. Our artists have the option of deciding which price-band they would like a track to sit within. If they prefer not to provide pricing, default price bands will be determined by track length – say, 2-5 mins: US 0.99 / EU 0.99 / GPB 0.80,  5-8 mins: US2 / EU2 / GBP 1.50 etc. During our beta launch period all tracks will be priced at US 0.99 regardless of length.

Price bands will change over time, but an artist has the discretion to move their tracks between price bands at any time, regardless of track length, therefore making the track lower or higher in price (an artist will not however be able to dictate their own specific price per track outside the price bands).