Copyright © 2021 Wild Mind Music

What is the subscription price and will it increase over time?

  • We will launch with a price of 50%-60% of the biggest players’ “premium” rate
  • Prices will be frozen for all our founding subscribers at the point they sign-up – no price rise, ever!

We will launch with a subscription price in the subscriber’s local currency equivalent to USD 4.99 per month. This is about 50%-60% lower than the “premium” price, for the most recognised streaming services, depending on where you live.

We’re not really trying to compete with the big players in the business, but we’re aware we’ll be compared to them from a price perspective. At the cost of 2-3 coffees a month, we hope we’re being fair to both our subscribers and the broader Jazzi team, who are of course all paid via a distribution of the net-subscription income.

With regard price rises – the Jazzi launch will also see a unique approach to pricing. The price our founding subscribers first purchase their subscription at will remain constant – for life! We’ve decided the best way to reward loyalty is to freeze the price at the point first purchased – whilst the subscription remains current.

Yes, subscription prices will increase over time, but not for our founding subscribers – the early birds will always pay the same amount.

To keep things simple, we will be offering one subscription product – an ongoing ‘set-and-forget’ streaming service, which will remain current until you tell us to stop, payable monthly.